Thursday, December 11, 2008

Colbert Christmas

Normally, I love Colbert. But from Toby Keith's Have I Got a Present for You to Willie Nelson's offering weed to the Baby Jesus, this one missed the mark. While it was classic Colbert, getting right to the heart of the problem, it felt a bit empty. Maybe it was too over the top. Or maybe giving Jesus weed is just too much. Or maybe the whole thing was just too painful to watch. I nearly turned off Meet the Parents for this reason. If he redeemed it later, I missed it.

Here's Toby Keith. Is he in on the joke? Given songs like Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue, I wonder.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Spiritual Water


As with most things here, I leave it to you to determine the intentions of such a product.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Was Jesus a ninja?

This comes from Lister Art via ffffound.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chuck Norris has nothing on that beard

Honestly, I find the similar hand positioning as disturbing as the beards.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

That's hard core!

I saw this "Hard Core Jesus Freak" bumper sticker, only the one I saw was in color. Direct and blatant rip of Harley Davidson. What I love is the watermark on this sticker available on eBay. "Do not copy"? Are you serious? What exactly was it you did again?

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Three reasons I hate this painting:

1. This ritual is something Jesus did for his disciples, not just every one. It was an intimate moment that included just his disciples, even if one was a traitor. But it wasn't with Romans or Pharisees or anyone else. It was for disciples.

2. It implies that Jesus serves the nations. He does not. The rulers are to bow to him, not the other way around. Usually I'm for portraying Jesus as a servant. But this comes off differently.

3. It could have been so much better. With primaries in full swing, I've gotten to the end of my rope with "God Bless America". This could have been a painting of how Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Yes, the footwashing was a call for the disciples to be servants. But again, it's to the disciples. Again, it is debatable how many are in this picture.

One reason I love this picture. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has the same look on her face as she did here.

Props to Jordan @ BWC for finding this gem.